Wednesday, March 14, 2012

test shot

Learning how to do this.  Just checking to see if I am doing it right


  1. Totally confused and can't figure out how to see other's blogs unless I go back to the communication sheet. Is that how we are supposed to do this??

  2. i m sure there is an easier way. But I have not figured it out yet either. If you do or get more information please let me know. This is like learning a forgein language.

  3. Mary Ellen
    I hope you read this. I figured out for all except for you and Kelly, at the top of our pages there is a follow button you can click and it will bring a box up on your blog page every time someone posts. I can't find it on your page though. I can find Kelly's blog at all.

  4. The reason you cannot follow the Friends Connect button is because of the template you selected. If you select another template you will find it. However, in class tonight, we will also discuss and learn another way to follow one another's blog. You can keep this template, or change to one that does have Friends Connect as an option right on the template.
